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360-Degree Feedback Program: Infuses Transformative Power into Leadership Journey

'We had recently started the 360-Degree Feedback debriefing process for our learners from a renowned MNC. The reports were being well-received, as our learners had found the results to be meaningful and beneficial for their leadership development. We believe in the power of feedback to unlock potential and elevate performance. Our 360-Degree Feedback Program goes beyond traditional evaluations by providing a holistic view of an individual's strengths and areas for development from multiple perspectives. Key benefits are:

1) Increasing self-awareness: gain a deeper understanding of individual behaviours, and how they are perceived by others.

2) Identifying areas for development: can pinpoint any development stoppers which hinder their growth and success.

3) Facilitating goal setting: help setting clear and achievable goals for their personal and professional development.

4) Enhancing development effectiveness: improve development effectiveness. By leveraging the insights gained from the feedback process, participants can make meaningful changes to their behavior, communication, and decision-making.

By focusing on key development areas and providing actionable feedback, our program enables individuals to accelerate their growth and drive positive change in their organizations.

Thrilling Team Experience Success Story by Using Team Bomb Squad! 

We've recently organised a team event for one of our returning customers featuring the Team Bomb Squad challenge. Participants were tasked with defusing a digital bomb under pressure, testing their communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.

The event was a massive hit, with the team fully immersed in the high-stakes scenario and working together to successfully complete the mission. The energy, excitement, and team spirit displayed were truly inspiring to witness. 

We take pride in delivering engaging and impactful team events that not only strengthen teamwork but also foster a culture of trust, unity and agility within organisations. We look forward to creating more memorable experiences together!

Another Successful Workshop on Leveraging Intergenerational Diversity!

We are recently had the opportunity to conduct an impactful workshop on "Leveraging Intergenerational Diversity" for on of our most valued and loyal customers which is an MNC with learners from their management team.

We delved into the power of embracing and leveraging the diverse perspectives, experiences, and strengths that each generation brings to the table. We explored how intergenerational collaboration can drive innovation, enhance communication, and foster a more inclusive and productive work environment.

During the workshop, participants gained a deeper understanding of the unique characteristics, motivations, and communication styles of different generations, enabling them to foster stronger connections and build effective teams. We also discussed strategies to bridge the gap, encouraging open dialogue, empathy, and mutual respect. Participants left the workshop equipped with practical tools to foster better understanding and collaboration across age groups. 

The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with participants express gratitude for the insights gained from workshop. We'd like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our loyal customer for entrusting us with this important workshop.

If you are interested in exploring how "Leveraging Intergenerational Diversity' can benefit your organization, please feel free to reach out. Our team of experts is here to support you in driving positive change and foster a culture of inclusivity.

Celebrating the Success of a 2Days & 1 Night Innovative Team Culturing Event for a government department!We are thrilled to share the immense success of a ground-breaking team experience for a government department. To foster collaboration, boost morale, and enhance problem-solving skills, we crafted event that truly elevated the traditional team culturing concept.What set this event apart was the integration of digital and gamification elements what revoluntionized the way participants engaged and experienced together. By blurring the lined between reality and technology, we crated an immersive experience that surpassed all expectations.During the event, participants not only leveraged digital devices to tackle challenges but also benefited from successful briefing session which facilitated effective learning consolidations. The incorporation of gamification elements added an extra layer of excitement and interactivity, creating a healthy competition among participants while fostering closer bonds within the ground of learnersWe also found Hong Kong Science Park has invaluable world-class facilities and resources that could be in delivering comprehensive learning session. The remarkable venues facilitated unparalleled learning opportunities that helped to unlock learners' full potential.If you're looking to revitalize the team bonding, contact us and let's push the boundaries of what is possible with the incredible possibilities offered by gamification.

Unleashing Leadership Excellence: Empowering Leaders with the "Evolving Leadership Program"

We are thrilled to share the incredible success of our "Evolving Leadership Program" which we've organized for our esteemed client Xenus Technology Limited. The 3-day Program was designed to empower participants with the skills, knowledge and attitude needed to excel as leaders in their respective fields. Through a series of interactive workshops, insightful discussions, and practical exercises, participants were able to develop a clear vision for their team and organization. The feedback we received from the learners has been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the program's effectiveness and practicality to drive meaningful change.

Co-Creating Shared Vision and Identity

We are grateful to have had the opportunity to support this incredible team from Skechers Hong Kong Limited in their journey to co-create a team vision and identity. We are delighted with the outcomes! Through interactive exercise and facilitated discussions, the management team came together to define their collective vision, align their goals, and establish a strong team identity. The energy and enthusiasm in the room were palpable!

HKIHRM Annual Conference 2023: ESSENTIA unleashed the Power in Learning and Development 

We had an incredible day at the Conference today! It was such a valuable opportunity to connect with numerous professionals and expand our network. Thank you HKIHRM for this priceless event. Let's dive into a world of endless learning possibilities together! We're thrilled to seize every opportunity with you!


We will be making a splash at the HKIHRM Annual Conference and Exhibition 2023 on Sep 15 at The Grand Hyatt Hong Kong

We are delighted to have the opportunity to showcase our powerful learning programs and connect with industry professionals at this prestigious event. Our booth is at No. 32 which will be a vibrant hub where you can dive deep into our unique services. We can't wait to meet you there! We'll have experts on hand to answer your questions and discuss how we can embark on a journey of team culturing excellence together. 


Intergenerational Communication: Bridging X, Y and Z Workshop.

We are thrilled to share the incredible success of the Intergenerational Communication Workshop which aimed to bridge the communication gaps that can arise between generations in our client's workplace, fostering understanding, collaboration, and increase harmony.Throughout the workshop, we explored the unique characteristics, values, and communication preferences of each generation, from the Boomer to Generation Z.

By understanding historical events, societal and technology changes that have shaped these generations, we were able to gain valuable insights, and understanding into their communication styles and expectations. One of the highlights of the workshop was interactive discussions and activities that encouraged participants to share their experiences and perspectives. These discussions allowed them to debunk stereotypes and misconceptions, foster empathy, and respect among participants. 

Thank you to all the participants who made this workshop a resounding success. Your enthusiasm and willingness to learn, to share and to grow truly inspire us to continue creating meaningful experiences. Let's continue the conversation and work together to bridge the generational gaps in our workplaces, creating a harmonious and thriving environments for all.

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"Less is More" Workshop: Unleashing the Power of Influential Communication

Effective communication plays a vital role in navigating challenges and thriving amidst constant change. We recently underwent a TetraMap® communication workshop aimed to achieve better communication with less effort, optimise strategy to create synergy, enhance awareness of behaviour preferences, and foster positive mindsets for generating new ideas. Through interactive exercises, participants gained a deeper understanding of effective communication strategies and learned how to convey their messages with clarity and impact. They also developed stronger listening skills which enabling them to understand and respond to others' perspectives. This workshop truly empowered learners to elevate their communication prowess and navigate interactions.

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Join the Exciting Team Hunt Squad x WM Hotel by Essentia @Sai Kung

Are you ready for an adventure? ESSENTIA and WM Hotel are thrilled to invite you to our exhilarating Team Hunt Squad™ that promises to be an unforgettable experience this summer!

Date: 29-Jul, 12-Aug and 26-Aug 2023
Time: 2pm to 4pm
Location: WM Hotel

Put your detective skills to the test as you solve puzzles and uncover clues to discover WM Hotel and the town's hidden treasures. This interactive adventure is the perfect to experience Sai Kung history, culture, and natural wonders in a fun and exciting way. Form a team with your friends, family or colleagues and get ready for an unforgettable journey through the streets of Sai Kung and WM Hotel.

To register for the thrilling event, simply visit WM Hotel's website and secure your spot today. Spaces are limited, so don't miss out on this incredible opportunity.

We can't wait to see you at the starting line! Let's embark on this exciting adventure together! Enrol here.



Unlocking Teamwork and Adventure: Unforgettable Team Hunt Squad with Captain Church @Sai Kung!

Due We recently embarked on an exhilarating journey, solve clues, collaborating, and exploring together in a thrilling Team Hunt Squad at Sai Kung with learners from the Captain Church. It was an incredible experience that not only brought the team closer but also ignited the problem-solving as well as leadership skills. The laughter, camaraderie, and sense of accomplishment were truly priceless. A big shoutout to the learners for making it a memorable success!


Team-Culturing Experience Day to Boost Togetherness:
Due to the growing complexity in the VUCA world and with team members coming from different backgrounds and cultures. Individuals also have different levels of understanding, opinions, skills and communication. A full day Team Culturing Experience Program for 14 learners was tailor-made to enable the members to appreciate the diversity of personalities and cultures, facilitate communication and how to put these into actions. The program broke down boundaries and created "togetherness" by appreciating the diversity of other personalities. Learners also discovered their own core values and explored how to connect with others. By taking time out of the office as a team to work as "One Team One Goal" helped to re-energise team spirit, increased collaboration, encouraged wider buy in and greatly raised positive energy!

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香港理工大學 CPCE 商業及酒店管理學部:領導力及團隊建設工作坊

在一個美好的春日週末,來自 HKCC 和理大專業進修學院的學生參加了我們的 「打造彩虹巨型城市」團隊活動,參加者可以探索他們的領導風格、建立信任、鼓勵溝通和促進創新。團隊建設旨在通過有助於鼓勵協作和團隊合作的活動,形成一個緊密聯繫、協調良好的團隊。建設彩虹巨型城市有助於團隊通過貢獻自己的力量為共同的目標而努力。每個團隊成員的所有行動都必須在他們自己的職責範圍內得到很好的協調。他們應該了解每一步的結果會導致什麼。動機在這裡起著重要作用之一。

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The Unstoppable Team™ -  西門子強大的團隊體驗

ESSENTIA 非常榮幸為西門子安排管理團隊建設活動。該計劃名為“The Unstoppable Team™”,通過連鎖反應活動旨在拓寬團隊邊界並體驗團隊集體力量!感謝您的出色反饋,很希望能夠再次與你們合作


The Unstoppable Team™ -  西門子強大的團隊體驗

ESSENTIA 非常榮幸為西門子安排管理團隊建設活動。該計劃名為“The Unstoppable Team™”,通過連鎖反應活動旨在拓寬團隊邊界並體驗團隊集體力量!感謝您的出色反饋,很希望能夠再次與你們合作

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香港兒童合唱團: The Making of Rainbow Mega-City 

成功的團隊最有力之處就是透過建立聯繫來創建一支強大的隊伍。團隊建立的好處包括加強溝通、規劃技能、解決問題和和解衝突。我們的標誌性項目“Making of Rainbow Mega-City” 透過培養真正的連結、更深入的討論和處理,幫助香港兒童合唱團促進長期的團隊建設。

Habib Bank Zurich (HK) Ltd.: TetraMap® 少即是多溝通工作坊

溝通是致勝之道。 TetraMap®是經過全球驗證的學習工具,旨在幫助學員了解個人溝通喜好會如何影響團隊和諧。參與者將發展個人行為的新視角,學會減少衝突和改變思維方式。透過TetraMap®參與者能夠為團隊的未來發展打好更穩健的溝通基礎。

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Ricardo:  透過LEGO® Serious Play® 在 VUCA 的大環境下釋放團隊力量

LEGO® Serious Play®  讓學習者「用手思考,用眼聆聽」。Ricardo的參加者有機會透過不同的方式來表達自己的想像力和創意。各自所分享的想法能夠允許豐富的協作動力,每個獨特的貢獻都成為整體的一部分。


感謝TetraMap® 在最新的會員通訊中介紹了我們的常務董事 Vivien!

TetraMap® 的美妙之處在於它可以與其他學習工具融合,既能簡化促進過程,又能加深學習經驗。 Vivien 向各位引導師強烈推薦 TetraMap®,以探索新的活動和新的匯報方式。請閱讀全文請點擊這裡 


UOB Hong Kong: 使用 LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® 共同創建團隊章程

來自不同背景的團隊成員會有不同的想法和意見,這是所有企業的重要資產,只要各自能有效表達和融合,一方面有助於解決衝突,另一方面能提升溝通效率。 LEGO® Serious Play® 為參與者提供了表達自己、挑戰自我和達成目標的能力和框架,同時制定了可持續性的團隊章程。 

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LEGO® Serious Play® 是一種有助於領導力發展的創新學習方法,我們為領導者提供如何準確而有效地表達意見和自我挑戰的能力和框架。這種方法將複雜而抽象的理念化為簡單和有趣的模型,有效促進團隊思考和溝通。



Alcon 體驗豐富的團隊建設以促進合作和溝通


LEGO Hong Kong 透過 LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®體驗團隊精神

LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) 是一種創造性的學習方法,透過視覺、聽覺和觸覺實現團隊交流。在輕鬆而休閒的環境中,參與者利用彩色積木分享和討論想法,並在視覺上激發對企業的想法和想像力。
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